I have been back from respite care a little while now and my husband is recovering well from his operation, however, the hospital seems to still be part of our lives.
Since I came home I have seen the Rheumatology nurse, been to have an oximetry test fitted but that didn't work, had a Doppler scan on my neck arteries and had a heart monitor fitted and removed. Next week I have a bone density scan and a mammogram. As you can appreciate I am not overly fond of hospitals!
My lovely physiotherapist has been to see me and she is trying to organise some things to help me manage. She has given me exercises which will hopefully help the pain from my herniated disc in my neck and she is seeing if my manual wheelchair can be adapted for a neck rest. I have Wanda my electric wheelchair but if for any reason I cannot use her the manual one is very uncomfortable as I have no neck support.
I am still waiting to see the speech therapist as I haven't seen one since I left hospital. My speech is very much hit and miss as some days I can cope fairly well but other days are horrendous.
I feel I have a ball like for the lottery or bingo and the words are spinning round. The door opens and I try and grab a word that I want but so many times I miss. The door opens and closes so quick and the word I want just disappears into the middle of the other words tumbling around.
Reading this you probably think I have no problem but this is tiring and frustrating as I search for words that I want. I will look for the word I want and it can take such a long time looking for just one word.
My problem with the background noise doesn't seem to go away. It can ruin enjoyable times with friends and family as I end up in tears because I cannot concentrate on what people are saying to me. I very much want to start mixing with people again and already have started with two courses at our church. Each course only has about a dozen people and in the main they are the same people too. One course is weekly and the other fortnightly. They are quiet and I can follow what is said as people are talking one at a time too.
My next challenge is to restart Trefoil Guild at the end of the month. I know that there will be a speaker and I hope that if there are questions people will speak one at a time. I have explained this problem to them and on the whole I think they will help me. Also, a lady from the Stroke Association came to see me and has told me of a club/support group run by the Stroke Association for Aphasia sufferers. I hope to go along to that. Apart from when I was in hospital I have never met an Aphasic. I need to meet people like me. I explained to her that at times I feel very alone, in a little bubble.
It is hard to know what to do to help yourself although my husband and I have tried to come up with ways. We have played scrabble, not competitively just to try and help me and as I make a word I have to say it. I have been playing Solitaire on Facebook to help with my concentration and other games but I am not very successful at much. Something else I have found is to use when my speech is not good. A lady on Facebook sent me a link to a site for children as I have been searching for flashcards. I have printed off the ones I feel are good for me food, washing, dressing, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom that sort of thing. The lady from the Stroke Association has also told me about apps for my phone and tablet that will bring up words I am looking for.
Last Sunday was my birthday so after church my husband, myself, my mother in law, my daughter, my son in law and my two year old twin grandchildren went out to lunch. We enjoyed it immensely and I feel I managed very well as the area we were in was quiet. Monday after the Doppler scan of my neck we went to meet friends for lunch and on the whole I managed well there too. I went shopping and coped well except for the paying I always panic at money matters! Then to see my brother and his partner as they couldn't come on the Sunday. Tuesday and Wednesday hospital and today the Stroke Association lady and I am exhausted. I am finding I am tearful as I am tired and the brain not working. I get upset if the words won't come to me. Frustration makes the speech worse and it is harder to find the words I want.
Communication after a stroke is not well publicised and the problems are numerous. I was given a list of the problems and identified some that I have. I am not able to understand people if they talk in long sentences as I forget how the sentence started. Sometimes I know exactly what I want but cannot put a name to it. I stop talking as I can't find the word I want and I know I know it but it won't come. When talking I will talk in short sentences missing out words. I now understand this is normal.
The hospital appointments and meeting family and friends has been tiring. This has meant I could not write anything as I was waiting for the roller coaster to finish. I have been so tired I haven't been out at all today. Tiredness and Aphasia do not go together at all. That is not only what I say but the books and the professionals so I have to believe it.
My plans for PACING have not gone to plan this last week or so and I shall have to start behaving again. But my excuse is I get hospital appointments I have to keep them as they are taking care of me and that is what I want.
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