Friday, 1 November 2013

Effort, time, practice and training

After three months I had hoped to see significant improvement in my Aphasia, I have but not in quite the way I had hoped.

In hospital the surroundings and the daily living was different and I coped really with just speaking. I understood and heard all that was said, sometimes I needed to clarify certain things but really it was fine. Looking back I felt comfortable there as people understood the problems we faced on a stroke ward. They could understand how we felt and reacted as they had seen it before and took time to sit and talk to us, encourage us and let us cry if we wanted to. I often had the curtains round my bed closed as frustration took over!

Then I came home and my husband has been excellent at figuring out what I want and what I need. We get by and he regularly treats me to a surprise not huge but to cheer me up. He does sit and talk with me, he holds me and lets me get the frustration out. He has always said that he doesn't know how it feels but does see what it does to me. That is all I ask.

After two weeks of respite care I came home again to start living and that is when I really noticed the problems mount. I had found the background noise a big problem in respite care, the dining room and television rooms the worst. At home the noise from the road is terrible and shops are so bad I have to wear ear plugs there as well.

Now things are adding up, I cannot watch the television or listen to the radio if there is a lot of talking on the programme. I love detective programmes but it gets to me after a while and I have to switch off. I listen to a classical music station which plays music with very little talking. I love to read but that is becoming more and more difficult. Partly the Aphasia I think there but also I have Sjogren's Syndrome and have very dry eyes. I find myself doing nothing a lot of the time and have taken to resting or playing games to get my brain working.

Maybe it is because I don't talk as much as I used to but my voice gets crackly after a while, I noticed this twice this week. Monday I went to the Trefoil Guild and enjoyed the evening of a talk by a young lady from Canine Partners who brought her lovely dog Whiskey along. I spoke to people and we discussed guild matters after the people from Canine Partners left but I had a very sore throat next day.

Wednesday I went to a club run by the Stroke Association which was set up for Stroke survivors to meet up but mainly the people there are Aphasic. I met people with different types of Aphasia and this made me feel much more at home and normal. I was told I am normal but up till then I was feeling isolated. One man cannot talk at all, one says very short sentences. I was happy that I can communicate as much as I can but for me it is when I try and explain things talking gets harder and harder. The thoughts are so fast the words are so hard to grip. Sadly some people don't understand this when I explain and say well slow down then. If only I could. I am thinking so quick I am not fast enough to catch each word and the words go along so fast I lose more and more of them. My speech gets worse and worse too and that is when people want me to slow down. A yes or no question is OK or a choice like tea or coffee, I manage that no problem but when I need to explain something then everything falls apart.

Something else happened today that I cannot explain. I said something to my husband and in my head it sounded 'normal' and I was excited. I said something else and it was back to Aphasicspeak as I call it. I asked my husband about it and he hadn't noticed any difference in my speech at all, so it looks like wishful thinking on my part.

I invested in some new earplugs and a pair of ear muffs yesterday when we went shopping. I like the new ear plugs better and with the ear muffs over I am a separate entity from the world. My husband has to tap me to get my attention when I am in them as I am on planet me.!

The noise in the shops was manic and if I hadn't been desperate to get some Christmas shopping in then I wouldn't have bothered.

So, you are wondering, if reading and talking is so hard how am I writing this?

I make things up in my head over a period of time and write bits down. I go away and come back to do more. I can spend ages looking for one word that I want to use and being a perfectionist I will search and search until I am happy and I will admit I am not always happy because sometimes I can't find a word I want. Effort and time are the answers to how I do it. I look on my writing as a form of sport where people practice and train until they put in their performance and hope the time spent in preparation has been worthwhile.

Is that the answer to my speaking problem? Not enough practice? Not enough training? Not enough effort? Not giving it enough time?  I still talk but need my husband to talk for me more which, he says, is a  novelty!

What happens then if things that I enjoy are being taken from me? I adore reading, I devour books. films, plays and television programmes. I dread to think I won't have anything left that I can lose myself in.

Aphasia is very isolating in many ways and it does cause so much distress. I feel that each thing I cannot do is a loss to me. I mourn for me before this and I am mourning with each loss of enjoyment. If people think that Aphasia isn't life changing then they have never had to give up anything that means a lot to them.

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