Thursday, 5 September 2013

A lecture and a nasty word then fun and games in the park.

If there is one word I just cannot handle it is PACING. Yes that old chestnut that physiotherapist like to use.

I am unfortunately someone who wants to do it all. Once I have mastered getting to the bathroom with my husband and the wall for assistance I want to walk everywhere! Just one slight problem. It hurts, I can't get there without stopping a few times and I am knackered afterward.

So yesterday the Neurological physiotherapist came to visit me and assess how things were going. She was pleased when I did the little bits like bedroom to bathroom (just next door to each other) and sofa to kitchen which is just five or six steps. Then the lecture. I must do just little bits or I will get too tired and not make progress.She then ganged up on me with my husband to say I must PACE. It was no good me covering my ears they insist. So what must I do instead?

She is contacting the speech therapist to visit me and the occupational therapist. She herself is away and will contact me when she is back to see how it is going. In the meantime I can walk to the bathroom and back to the bedroom. I can walk to the next bedroom just a few steps away then use the wheelchair to get to the lounge. I can transfer from chair to sofa. I can get to the kitchen and use the perching stool if I want to prepare meals and if I am good I can stand for a very little while. I can stay up for short periods unless it is important to be up for longer, otherwise it is a wheelchair ride back to bed.

Bossy? Yes but sensible really as I am stilling feeling very tired.

My staying up was approved for today so I could spend time with our daughter and grandchildren. I told the physiotherapist I wanted to go out to lunch and to the park so she allowed me on the condition I rest for the next TWO days!

So we did go and meet up with our daughter and the twins who are two and a half. I didn't have to talk to anyone out and about except for my family and no one, not even the children, took any notice of my speech. It is amazing how children accept us as we are.

After some fun by the sea where the children went on a bouncy castle and a merry go round we walked to a pub/restaurant for lunch. The children found some amusements there too and ate a good lunch. We went to the town afterward and I needed to go into the bookshop. I was looking for a book I want for my birthday so my daughter and husband know which one it is. We couldn't see it on the shelf and I was saying the name of the author when one of the staff came to talk to us. Panic stations, I just wanted to go. My daughter said I could come in a look another time when the children were not there getting fussy standing around so I could escape.I felt silly afterward for getting panic stricken.

A walk to the park where the children fell asleep was lovely. Hardly anyone around so we could meander along the paths. Then they woke up and we went to the playground for a while. Where do they get their energy?

Back home we all had a drink and a biscuit before our daughter and grandchildren had to get their train home. Before they left I was so tired my husband helped me back to bed. No sooner had he left to walk to the station with them and I was asleep!

So tomorrow I must rest and to be honest I need to. I am still knackered and I have slept for an hour or more and only had sandwiches for supper. But the physiotherapist was right I need to build up my strength slowly and PACE. I won't be spending every day like today so I must allow for these things happening.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the little people enjoy themselves. They throw themselves into everything with gusto. I must NOT throw myself into things I must slow down. And dare I say it PACE myself. Seems I must learn to like that word if I am to get any better.

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